Posted on May 08, 2020
To celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Australia and New Zealand, Rotary has teamed up with UNICEF to give life-saving vaccines to 100,000 children across the Pacific. Rotary Give Every Child A Future is a sustainable project that will ensure generations of children and women are protected against cervical cancer, rotavirus and pneumococcal disease.

Send an e-card to the mothers in your life and give a gift in their names to safeguard future Pacific mothers


Sunday 10 May 2020 is Mothers’ Day in many countries including New Zealand, Australia and Canada. Here is a way to greet the mothers in your life, whether that’s your own mother, or the mothers of your children or grandchildren.

The COVID-19 lockdowns makes it difficult to visit these wonderful women in person and take them a gift. Rotary Give Every Child A Future offers you the opportunity to send them an e-card that they can enjoy. They can even print and fold it to display, as a reminder that they are in your thoughts on this special day.

While you are here you are invited to gift a donation on behalf of the mothers in your life so that Rotary, in partnership with UNICEF, can immunise young Pacific girls against cervical cancer. By protecting them from this disease they are able to grow into the future mothers, carers and leaders in their communities.

Every $45 will protect one child. Donations contribute to vaccine purchase, storage equipment and training thereby strengthening healthcare systems across the Pacific.

FIRST click here to download an e-card. You will see there are two versions (see printing instructions below)

SECOND click here to make a donation to save a life through vaccination

FINALLY forward the attachment to the mothers in your life. You may wish to copy and paste the printing instructions below.

Printing instructions:

Page one has inverted text so you can trim and fold to make a ‘card’. To do this, please open the document, select Print then:

  • in your printer’s ‘what pages to print’ option select page 1 and,
  • in your printers ‘quality’ options select best

On behalf of generations of Pacific families – THANK YOU!