Hello Members and friends of Perth Rotary,
How is it already August? Only two weeks to go till Spring! Is it too early to start asking what your plans are for Christmas?!
I hope this newsletter finds you well. It has been an exciting couple of weeks in Perth Rotary. On Friday 4 August, Perth Rotary hosted its 4 Way speaking contest. Three amazing year 10 students presented their speech in the allotted 6 minute time frame. The winner, Alfred Keane from St George's Anglican Grammar School, went on to compete in the district semi finals this week and won. A great lunch well attended, thank you to all that came along and filled the room and were a part of the great atmosphere.
24 hours later, we found ourselves at Claremont Yacht Club, at Perth Rotary’s celebration dinner. A night of laughter, celebrations, awards given, Board position announcements and the most important, announcing the President Elect 23/24. It was a great privilege to announce Manu Gupta as the President Elect. Since meeting Manu, he has day in day out shown his commitment to Rotary. Looking very much forward to what lies ahead. Not walking this alone, I have a great team behind me and they are as follows:
Manu Gupta, President Elect
Frank Ye, Treasurer
Don Mazzuchelli, Secretary
Wesley Sim, International Service
David Wee, Community Service
Jill Dawson, Vocational Service
Manu Gupta, Youth Service
Wendy Campbell, Club Service & Acting Membership Director
Manu Gupta, President Elect
Frank Ye, Treasurer
Don Mazzuchelli, Secretary
Wesley Sim, International Service
David Wee, Community Service
Jill Dawson, Vocational Service
Manu Gupta, Youth Service
Wendy Campbell, Club Service & Acting Membership Director
The night was MC’d by Larry, Jeff and Nigel, and no I don’t mean independently, all together at once, where one went the other two followed. When one spoke, either one would follow up with a comment/joke of some description. They had the room laughing – thank you Gentlemen.
A big thank you also to our very own Nan Walker, who championed the event. Nan set out to create this event and with no surprise, Nan created a great evening. How many balloons can you have in a room with the name LINKEN on it… a lot apparently.
And I should also note… it is not often a song is written about you… I am not sure if the song will hit the music charts – only one can hope. Thank you Suzanne and John. Here is the song that Suzanne wrote: click to read.
For mine, I sincerely wish to thank you all who attended in support of our club and me as President. Thank you.
Awards given:
Paul Harris Fellow – Ulrich Kunzman
David Reed Award – John Garland
This week we warmly welcome two new members to our club:
- Kathryn Wackett, introduced by Nan Walker. Kathryn is already busy as a member, being one of the Host Mums for our Youth Exchange Student, Marlene von Gossler.
- Marian Morales Tovar, introduced by Wendy Campbell. Involved in Rotary since she was a child, Marian is interested in a number of our club projects and is looking for where she can best give service.
Our next events are listed below. Book in and I will see you there!
Linken Fragomeli,
President 2023-2024, Perth Rotary
President 2023-2024, Perth Rotary
- Perth Rotary Bollywood Brunch for Glaucoma Australia | Special Venue | Glassy Junction Restaurant | Saturday 12th August | 12pm start
Members came together to support Glaucoma Australia for this event. Although it is now closed, donations to Glaucoma Australia remain open. If you wish to donate, please contact the event organiser, Rui Fernandez. Click here to email him.
- Perth Rotary Evening Event | Joint Rotary Club Cluster Meeting | Perth Parmelia Hilton | Thursday 17th August 2023 | 5:30pm
Rotary clubs joining us: Perth | City | Elizabeth Quay | Beaufort | Karrinyup | Perth Rotaract.
District Governor, Ineke Oliver will speak on Rotary of Western Australia.
Join Perth Rotary and meet fellow Rotarians from the other clubs in our district club cluster.
Canapes & Cash Bar.
- 2023 Annual Family Bonfire | Jeff & Helen Leach's Gingin Property | Saturday 19th August | 4pm till late
On behalf of the Perth Rotary Fellowship Committee, Jeff and Helen Leach invite you to their Gingin property for the annual bush BBQ Picnic & Bonfire.
Live entertainment by the Rotars & friends, so bring your dancing wellies!
BYO tent/campervan, meat, drinks, salad to share, chairs, rugs and smiles. The event is FREE to attend.
Click here to book by email with Jeff Leach by Friday July 21st, 2023.
- Rotary Four Way Test - Year 10 State Final | Mt Lawley Golf Club | Monday 4th September | 6 to 9pm
Alfred Keane, who won the 4 Way Test speaking competition at Perth Rotary on 4th August, and went on to win the Semi Final, will be again speak at this event. He will compete against the other winner of the Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 semi-finals. They will compete for the Fred Marsh Perpetual School Trophy.
The Fred Marsh Perpetual School Trophy is held by the winning Rotary Club for the following year.
Two Year 6 students, winner and runner-up of the Year 6 Speaking Contest Finals have been invited to lead at the State Final Year 10 event.
Click here to book. Seats are limited.
You are promised an inspiring evening.