Hello Members and friends of Perth Rotary,
Welcome to our latest newsletter.
Where do I begin? I know where, thanking Helen and Jeff Leach for hosting yet another Bon Fire event at their farm. 70+ in attendance, a beautiful calm night filled with joy. Long table set out where people sat and enjoyed their dinner looking out to the pasture, fire pit at the front of the residence creating a relaxing ambiance.
Where do I begin? I know where, thanking Helen and Jeff Leach for hosting yet another Bon Fire event at their farm. 70+ in attendance, a beautiful calm night filled with joy. Long table set out where people sat and enjoyed their dinner looking out to the pasture, fire pit at the front of the residence creating a relaxing ambiance.
The sun has gone down, among the chatter, Jeff stands from the back deck and announces the Bon Fire will be set alight in 10 minutes! One minute prior the announcement, Jeff approaches me and asks am I ready?! Not exactly knowing what to do, I said with a convincing voice, Sure am!
Skip forward 10 minutes, I am now holding a torch, shining light while Jeff pours a healthy amount of highly flammable liquid into three buckets. The three buckets are spread onto the wood-heap. Jeff had previously lit a stake that was burning, (think Olympic torch).
The current scene, the liquid is on the wood-head, stake burning, Jeff turns to me and says, it's all up to you now, hops on the quad bike and drives off. As I throw the stake onto the heap, I turn and run and the loudest woooooofffff sounds, I feel heat descend upon the newly created amphitheatre. An incredible scene. That is how you start a Rotary Year!
Once again, thank you to Helen and Jeff for opening your arms and inviting us all in. A great night indeed. Thank you the Rotars for always being there to provide entertainment. Click here to enjoy the photos.
A few days earlier on the Thursday night (17th) Perth Rotary had the privilege to host a joint Rotary Club meeting at the Parmelia Hilton. Rotary clubs Karrinyup, Elizabeth Quay, Beaufort, Perth City East and Perth Rotaract all came together to share a great night of Fellowship. To kick it off we heard from each of the club presidents, sharing news on their club. Leading to DG Ineke Oliver sharing insights on Rotary Western Australia.
When I thanked Ineke, something came to me which I said, and I'd like to share a snippet again here for those that weren’t able to attend. ‘…each time I meet or hear Ineke speak, you provide me motivation to carry on doing what I am doing, I don’t think you set out to do this but you do it naturally, thank you…’ I don’t think I am alone on this thought. It was a great night, with 55 guests it well attended. Click here to enjoy the photos.
And the previous weekend, on Saturday 12th, club member Rui Fernandes, supported by President Elect Manu Gupta, held a Glaucoma Australia fundraiser and awareness builder. Not only that, the 28 guests were treated to a magnificent Indian tapas brunch to follow. $1,000 was raised as a contribution to Glaucoma Australia and its nationwide program of awareness. Click here to enjoy the photos.
This week we warmly welcome another new member to our club:
- Steven Stanbrook, introduced by Emma Cork. Steven is interested in helping the Club with implementation of our Strategic Plan goal of transitioning to a new world, and is happy to help out with other Rotary projects as well. He will be formally inducted at our meeting on 15th September.
Our next events are listed below. Book in and I will see you there!
Thank you all, keep well, keep doing what you are doing, we continue making a positive impact.
Linken Fragomeli,
President 2023-2024, Perth Rotary
President 2023-2024, Perth Rotary
- Dr Jaap Poll | Australian Legend | Perth Parmelia Hilton | Friday 1st September | 12:15 for 12:30pm
One of our most highly decorated Rotarians, Jaap Poll, an active member since 1992, was awarded Australian ‘Legend’ Status, ‘Excellence in Energy’, by the Australian Petroleum Society.
Jaap also speaks 6 languages, but it is due to Fathers Day, Sunday 3rd, that Jaap will be our special guest. Having two children, each with his wife Margot, they suddenly discovered Jaap had six more offspring. All to do with an IVF research project, on a “will never meet” understanding, by Monash University.
An accredited arbitrator and mediator, this distinguished Rotarian will certainly entertain.
Click here to book.
- Rotary Four Way Test - Year 10 State Final | Mt Lawley Golf Club | Monday 4th September | 6 to 9pm
Alfred Keane, who won the 4 Way Test speaking competition at Perth Rotary on 4th August, and went on to win the Semi Final, will be again speak at this event. He will compete against the other winner of the Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 semi-finals. They will compete for the Fred Marsh Perpetual School Trophy.
Rotary clubs Matilda Bay, Perth, Mindarie, and Subiaco are supporting students from Dianella College, St Georges Anglican College, Peter Moyes Anglican Community School, and Perth Modern School. The topics students have chosen, topics that would be challenging for any Rotarian, are:
We need a better measure for success
Ban TikTok
Down Syndrome is not a choice
Asylum Seekers
Click here to book. You are promised an inspiring evening.
- Stephen Inouye | Managing Director, Veritas Group | Rotary Means Business WA | Duxton Hotel, Front Bar | Tuesday 5th September | 5:30pm
Join RMBWA for an exciting evening of networking and knowledge sharing with this special guest speaker.
Stephen will share a few Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) strategies that any company can use to mitigate business risk (and to help business owners sleep better at night.)
Click here to book.
- Mystery Speaker - to be announced shortly | Perth Parmelia Hilton | Friday 15th September | 12:15 for 12:30pm
Our guest speaker could be talking up the 2023 AFL Grand Final, which will be just a short time after our meeting.
Or our guest speaker could be discussing behind the scenes action of the anniversary of the first time Australia banded together for a sporting sensation. The America’s Cup win.
Watch this space, details out shortly.