We remember and give thanks for Bryan Mickle, a long-time member of our Club, and President 1984-1985. He joined our Club in January 1971.
We extend our sympathy, condolences and prayers to Irene and the family.
Bryan was responsible for many members joining the Club – Larry and Wes, for starters, and he embodied all that was right and good about the Club.
He had an enormous reach in the City – he was Chairman of the Perth Building Society, which became Challenge Bank – which was later absorbed into Westpac. So Bryan was the inaugural Chairman of Challenge Bank. He was also Chairman of Chesterton International and Chairman of the Perth Diocesan Trustees of the Anglican Church. In this capacity he was at the forefront of the development of Cathedral Square, which involved the demolition of Law Chambers.
Bryan was a diligent steward of the Diocesan resources and was careful to ensure that the rents from Law Chambers and whatever building complex followed in the Square continued to sustain the Cathedral and the Diocese.
We thank him for a life of ‘service above self’ well-lived. He was a Great Rotarian And Consummate Encourager. A life of Grace.
Bryan’s funeral is to be held at St George’s Cathedral this coming Monday 2 May at 10.00am.
It would be excellent if as many of us as possible were able to attend. Perth Rotary meant a lot to Bryan, and this will be an opportunity for us to express our thanks for his contribution, and our support for Irene and the family.

The Gunfire Breakfast was an astounding success. Wesley assumed overall management with all the aplomb of the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo. From the pre-dawn mustering of the troops and allocation of duties to the final wrap up when all the players had departed the sweeping grounds of Government House, Wesley reigned supreme, backed up by his faithful teams of mechanicals. – not least David, who came back from Albany to rustle up all the supplies, and Darren, who not only kept the urn topped up by came back later to do lots of mopping up. All in all a fabulous occasion made successful by the energy and enthusiasm of many Rotary members on the day.

Our guest speaker this Friday 29 April is Suzanne John – a vibrant, active and much appreciated member of our Club.
Her presentation will be stunning – informative, insightful and enjoyable. The booking link is https://www.trybooking.com/BYQRX
Please strain every nerve to join us. Our support for our own members when they take their place at the microphone is much appreciated by all.
And bring a friend!