I write to give you a quick snapshot of a few of the ongoing youth activities in our club:
Firstly, Rotary Western Australia will receive 24 young and talented international Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) students this year. I am proud to announce that our club will host a student from the metropolis of Taipei in Taiwan.

Reciprocally, 24 students will depart from WA to various countries early next year, as our Rotary WA out bound students. I am honoured to announce that Eva Sussex from Mount Lawley Senior High has been selected to travel to Sweden on our club sponsorship.

You will have a chance to meet both Abby and Eva at our club luncheon meeting on the 2nd of August. You can book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CTFGT.
Secondly, thank you to those who attended our Rotary Perth Four Way Test 2024 Club heats on the 19th of July. We had two students from Mercedes College (Ella Maio and Kassandra Avedikian) and one student from St George Anglican Grammar (Mia McGurk) who were competing. All students spoke well about their chosen topics from the point of view of the Four Way Test, making the adjudicators’ decision a difficult one. The winner was Kassandra Avedikian from Mercedes College.

Kassandra will participate in the Metro 1 Semi-finals, where she will be contesting students from five other schools. This is being held on the Tuesday 6th of August at the Mandurah Golf and Country Club starting at 6 pm. It would be great if you could come along and support her. You can book your ticket here: https://www.trybooking.com/CSVEN
I am sure most of you will not miss this unique event and enjoy listening to our budding young talented students speak on the Rotary Four Way Test values.
To close the Four Way Test Speaking Competition for 2024, it gives me great pleasure that Perth Rotary will host the Rotary WA Year 10 State Finals at ANZAC House on Thursday 5th September at 6pm. Ms Meredith Hammat MLA, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Education, has kindly consented to grace the occasion with her presence.
Thirdly, The National Youth Science Forum is underway this year. We have advised our linked schools and will receive any suitable nominations from them before the 31st of July.
Lastly, the Rotary Youth Leadership Awareness (RYLA) Camp for January 2025, and the Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) Camp for September this year, have been announced. The closing dates for bookings are fast approaching. If you know of one or more young people whom you would like to nominate, please see below.
RYLA Camp: Email Roy Philbin; rypen@rotarywa.au or call 0418948847
RYLA Camp: Email Roy Philbin; rypen@rotarywa.au or call 0418948847
RYLA Camp: Email Ian Ball; ryla@rotarywa.au or call 0402491139.
That’s all from me for the moment, thank you. See you all at the luncheon the 2nd of August, where we will meet Abby and Eva.
Rui Fernandes,
Youth Service Director,
Perth Rotary
Email: youth@rotaryperth.org.au