Rotary Western Australia Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) team delivered yet another excellent two-part leadership development program this October. This is the first RLI Training Program held in Western Australia after two Rotary Districts in Western Australia were combined into one big new District 9423 on 1st July 2023.

This month's RLI program saw a mix of new and experienced session leaders, with District Governor Ineke Oliver, District Governor-Elect Pat Schraven, and Development Director Kero joining experienced facilitators PDGs Hank Smit, Jerry Pilcher, and Geoff Simpson to deliver the program.

One of the highlights was DG Ineke's delivery of "My Rotary World", where her insights as our current governor added a unique perspective and excellent value.

Participants from all clubs were willing to share their relevant Rotary experiences with each other, and those stories enriched the whole process, as theory was interwoven with practical examples. Participants also provided very useful and positive feedback about the program.
An enjoyable seminar, very well organised by our Rotary Western Australia RLI Coordinator Rui Fernandes from the Perth Rotary Club.
If you would like to attend an event such as this, keep an eye out in the District newsletter.