This week we look forward to hosting our Club heat of the 4 Way Speaking Contest. For the first time we have three schools represented competing against each other to represent our club at the District Finals. We look forward to hearing from
St George’s Grammar School: Linus Miller (Topic: The Power of a Good Book)
Ashdale Secondary College: Harshil Khoosal: (Topic: Teenage Stereotypes)
Mercedes College: Isabella Marchesani (Topic: Challenging Stereotypes)
Please book on line to attend lunch and support our club youth portfolio activities - https://www.trybooking.com/CARVK More information below.
Perth Rotary Members - a gentle reminder to pay your 2022/23 Club Membership Fees. Should you have any queries in relation to the same, please do not hesitate to contact our Club Treasurer, Michael Willett via email - treasurer@rotaryperth.org.au
Back to the 4 Way Speaking Competition ....... Have you booked to attend lunch at the Parmelia Hilton Hotel this week?
https://www.trybooking.com/CARVK is the booking link, or click on the flyer below.
The AIM of the Four Way Test Speech Competition is to:
- To provide Year 10 students with an opportunity to compete in a public speaking competition, thereby fostering excellence in the art of public speaking and developing the confidence and self-esteem of participating students.
- To provide an opportunity for students to test their skills before an audience.
- To bring the concepts of the Rotary “Four Way Test” to the attention of students.
- To provide Rotary and it’s “Four Way Test” with valuable exposure in the community.
- To develop relationships between Rotary and schools.
Please consider booking to also attend the District and State Final Heats. Details below:

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship at the University of Western Australia, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Perth, invite you to attend the 2022 Sir Wallace Kyle Oration.
Please register to attend this FREE event by clicking on the links below.
Date: Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm (AWST)
Location: University Club Auditorium, Hackett Drive, Crawley
The Sir Wallace Kyle Oration is given by distinguished citizens and leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the community. The theme of the Oration is "Service Above Self", the motto of Rotary.
This year, the Oration will be delivered by June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner.
June Oscar AO is a proud Bunuba woman from the remote town of Fitzroy Crossing in Western Australia’s Kimberley region. She is a strong advocate for Indigenous Australian languages, social justice, women’s issues, and has worked tirelessly to reduce Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
This is a free public event. Registration is required. Please advise if you have any access or support requirements when registering. Please note, the venue is wheelchair accessible. We look forward to you attending this Oration.
Fellowship | Perth Rotary Club Family Bonfire | Saturday 27 August 2022
Saturday 27 August 2022 | Please arrive anytime in the afternoon. BYO everything; Salad to Share; Meat to BBQ; Drinks; Chairs/Picnic Rug & your dancing shoes. A fabulous fun filled evening with Rotarian Jeff, Helen and family. You won't be disappointed - always a great night with the Rotars playing post bonfire until late. Please rsvp - amanda@jjleachgroup.com.au

Please check the attached stories for details of events being hosted by other clubs in our District. In particular I draw your attention to the Quiz Night being hosted by the Mt Lawley Rotary Club in support of providing clean, portable drinking water for over 100 orphaned school children in Ndola, Zambia. Mt Lawley Rotary Club would particularly love to see Perth Rotary members supporting their fundraiser if at all possible. Please book your table by clicking on this link - https://tinyurl.com/yvps55b
Upcoming dates for your Diary:
- Friday 29 July - Perth Rotary Lunch Meeting | 4 Way Speaking Contest. https://www.trybooking.com/CARVK
- Tuesday 2 August - Rotary Means Business | Tenille Bentley. https://events.humanitix.com/rmbtb
- Thursday 27 October - Liquid Gold Polio joint meeting with Crawley Rotary Club.
- Tuesday 6 December - Rotary Means Business Xmas Breakfast.
- Friday 16 December - Perth Rotary Xmas Breakfast.
Yours in Rotary
Maree Gooch
President | Perth Rotary 2022/23