Greetings to all!
You asked, we have listened and are delivering
At the recent Club Assembly and strategy session held on 30th September we as a club identified challenges as well as opportunities to invigorate the club, our projects and meetings.
Members asked for more information from the board – this happened at the Friday meeting on 18/11/22 with Rotarians sharing about the club projects – current and proposed.
Members provided feedback about needing to address the days, times and regularity of meetings – the Club Survey will be sent out shortly – please watch out for it in your email inbox and respond.
Decisions and recommendations will be made by the board based on the survey results.
Polio Plus Dinner with Crawley Rotary Club
Members and friends of Perth Rotary Club in collaboration with Crawley Rotary Club enjoyed fellowship and a wonderful meal at the UWA club on 27th of October to celebrate the input and impact of Rotary International in regards to eradicating polio around the world. More than $2000 was raised. Special thanks to donors.
A panel of speakers included Ineke Oliver, District Governor of District 9455, together with key people from the Post Polio Network of WA- Ross O’Neil (Como Rotary Club), Ian Holding and Jenni Jones.
Each of these amazing people, yes including DG Ineke Oliver, shared their story and journey through life as a survivor of polio. They shared candid stories of how having polio has affected their lives, and how they have not let polio slow them down. They also shared about how their long term health and wellbeing has been affected by having polio as children.
This was a moving experience for all concerned.
I offer my special thanks to Sam Hardie (President) and Leah Granucci (Past President) from Crawley Rotary Club for their dedication and support to organise and run the event – Bravo!

Club Assembly and Club Survey – We need your input by 30/11/22
Club Connection Meeting - Friday December 2 at Perth Rotary Office, Level 5, 110 William Street is an opportunity for us to plan for the future of the club. Please bring your own lunch and come along. Please RSVP via Try Booking so that we know who will be attending.
This opportunity is for members to have their say and build on the great work of the Club Assembly held on 30 September and the club survey which will be sent in the coming days. Feedback from the Club Assembly will be sent out on Monday 21 November 2022 to align with the Survey.
Please respond to the Member Survey by 30th November, as a priority. Your feedback counts.
Yours in Rotary
Maree Gooch
President | Perth Rotary 2022/23
(Latest News Stories are located and accessible on the “Home Page” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/ )
Next Week:
Thursday 24th November 2022 Perth Rotary After Business Meeting (evening meeting)
Rotary Spotlight Panel:
Marco Camer-Pesci, Maree Masamayor, Ken Mullins (Give a Feed)
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CEDSC
Upcoming dates for your Diary:
(Information on Upcoming Speakers & Events are available on the “Speaker & Events Tab” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/events/ )
Friday 25th November 2022 (afternoon)
IFYR & Perth Rotary | Blessing of the Fleet 2022
RSVP/Book a spot on a boat: EM: "'Larry Hirsch'" larryh@chartermortgage.com.au
Thursday 1st December 2022 (afternoon)
Path of Hope Special Event | Q & A Session for Corporates & Business & Launch of the 2023 POH Gala
UWA Club Auditorium | Free Event – limited seating
Friday 2nd December (Lunch)
Perth Rotary | Club Connection Meeting – BYO Lunch
Perth Rotary Office – Lv5 – 110 William Street Perth
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CEKNP
Tuesday 6th December 2022 - Rotary Means Business Christmas Breakfast.
Friday 9th December 2022 (Lunch)
Special Panel | Noelene Murray | Karen Ho & Moderator: Dr Sandy Chong
- "The Quest for Skills: Securing Talent in a Disrupted World"
Tickets: TBA
Friday 16th December 2022 - Perth Rotary Family Christmas Breakfast 2022
Tickets: https://www.trybooking.com/CDDXJ
Saturday 31st December 2022 – Perth Rotary Vienna Pops New Year’s Eve Concerts 2022
(Matinee & Evening Gala)
Perth Rotary Board & Leadership Team 2022-2023
& Contact emails:
(Information on “Club Executives” is available on the “Members – Club Executives Tab” of the Perth Rotary Website: https://rotaryperth.org.au/clubexecutives)
President 2022-2023: Maree Gooch president@rotaryperth.org.au
Past President: Rev. John Shepherd john.h.shepherd@bigpond.com
President Elect: Linken Fragomeli Linken.Fragomeli@mkttax.com.au
Secretary: Nicola Johnson Secretary@rotaryperth.org.au
Treasurer: Michael Willett treasurer@rotaryperth.org.au
Community: David Wee community@rotaryperth.org.au
International: Wesley Sims international@rotaryperth.org.au
Vocational: Jon Bilson vocational@rotaryperth.org.au
Club Service: Frank Ye & Linken Fragomeli (shared): clubservice@rotaryperth.org.au
Youth: Manu Gupta youth@rotaryperth.org.au